Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Where I'm at

When i first for the title of this brief, i was baffled! 'To sense my space', yeah, it'a a tough one, So I started looking at each noun individually, What is sense? What is space?Looking into physics and becoming too aware of my senses, it was confusing but i was working away, then one night i was watching a t.v documentary about reptiles. I was fascinated, in particular, how snakes 'sense their space' with their tongues, YUCK! disgustingly interesting. Research was increasingly difficult to explore, and it was hard to expand on the general idea, i pause and take a step back, looking at the larger picture, why snakes? i find snakes disgusting, i don't have one, my friend dose, it makes me gag, what else makes me gag? tomato sauce? old hair? adipose tissue? all these objects occupy space, what if excess space was filled with these kind of disgusting objects? What would happen if these disgusting objects were surrounded by attractive things? What about the excess space in the body? oozing? burning? melting? squishing? shaving?...
...Well thats the general gist so far. So this past week i've been asking people their own individual  dislikes and annoyances  and working in 3D, making rubber/plaster impressions of belly buttons and excess stretched skin and making cast of my round face, trying to give the appearance of dripping, oozing wax. All in all I'm having a great time playing around with this idea.

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